In our daily lives, we often see instances of deception as harmless. A crime like forgery, however, is far from harmless. In Illinois, forgery is a deception-related offense and, like other deception-related offenses, can carry surprising penalties for those convicted. If a moment of what you thought was harmless deception turned into a forgery charge, you will need to contact a local attorney for the proper support against a strong prosecution.
Illinois defines forgery as the following:
- When a person knowingly and with intent to defraud does any of the following:
- Creates or alters a document that purports to have been made by another person, at another time, with different provisions, or by the authority of someone who did not give it for the explained purpose;
- Issues, possesses (with the intent to issue or deliver), or delivers a document they know has been created or altered;
- Unlawfully signs the signature of another (digital or otherwise);
There are a few important factors to understand when trying to sort through a forgery charge. The first, and likely the most important factor is that is the intent to defraud that matters here. This means that if the individual was not successful in defrauding the party they intended to defraud, they can still be charged with forgery. In the same vein, if the person charged truly had no intent to defraud or had no knowledge that a document they issued, delivered, or possessed with the intention to deliver was fraudulent in any way, they are not guilty of forgery.
Penalties for a forgery charge include the following:
- A sentence of between 2 and 5 years in prison;
- Periodic imprisonment of up to 18 months;
- Probation of up to 30 months;
- A fine of a maximum of $25,000 per offense;
- Restitution
There is an option for a lesser prison penalty for forged documents with only one Universal Price Code Label; instead of a sentence that ranges between two and five years in prison, the defendant will face between one and three years.
The following represent available defenses to a forgery charge:
- The defendant did not intend to defraud or deceive anyone;
- The defendant acted under duress or compulsion;
- The defendant was under 13 years old;
- The defendant suffers from insanity.
It will be important to ensure that you are able to put on a proper defense using one of the aforementioned reasons. This is why it is important for you to choose a competent, skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced criminal defense attorney who will be able to ensure that whatever defense fits your situation is properly advocated for. Because of that, you should call Eugene Fimbianti. Attorney Fimbianti has experience as a prosecutor and a police officer and detective; he knows the odds you are up against and he knows how the very people who are responsible for prosecuting you are thinking. That experience and foresight is invaluable for a great defense; call The Law Offices of Eugene Fimbianti today for the best defense against your forgery charge.